Malformation of the uterus

The organs of the growing child are formed already in the first weeks of pregnancy. Different disorders and traits can sometimes manifest themselves, which may lead to inborn malformations. Such disorders can occur during the development of the organs of the so called "urogenital tract". Those affect the kidneys, the ureter, the bladder and the urethras, on one side, and the sexual organs, on the other side.

In case of an inability to conceive or if a loss occurs in the early stage of the pregnancy, it is especially important to exclude the possibility of uterine dysplasia. This can be confirmed by ultrasound, hysteroscopy, laparoscopy and a uterus-tubal x-ray.


There are different forms of uterine dysplasia and the malformations can be of different intensity. Sometimes there is a thin tissue wall in the middle of the uterine cavity (septum), in other cases the body of the uterus is situated in a heart-shaped form or the uterus is doubled. Sometimes, a separating tissue wall can also be found in the vagina, so that two vaginal canals are formed, each opening into a separate uterus. In these cases one ovary or one kidney can be missing. It is clear that those organs have a common origin in the development.

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